Vitamin D-K Factor

Sale price$ 48.00

Capsules: 60

Dr. Salerno's Vitamin D-K Factor is a leading-edge supplement which provides a clinical dose of 5000 units of D3, the more bioavailable form of the nutrient, also contains vitamin K1 and MK-7, both forms of vitamin K that work synergistically to boost vitamin D absorption. Without daily sun exposure, it becomes essential to replenish levels of vitamin D through oral supplements of this kind. But why? Well, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin typically absorbed from the sun and found in very few natural food sources. It plays an important role in aiding the absorption of calcium in the body and supports healthy bone growth. Without proper levels of vitamin D, bones may become weak and brittle, and prone to breakage. Healthy levels f vitamin D also prevent inflammation in the body.

Vitamin D – As we stated, vitamin D is a vital, fat-soluble secosteroid. It plays a critical role in the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. The vitamin has also been implicated in the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis, and helps with brain development, respiratory health, and proper muscle function as well. There are just a few foods that contain vitamin D natural, including cod liver oil, salmon, tuna fish, eggs, liver, margarine, and some cheeses. However, it is still difficult to obtain adequate vitamin D through food sources alone. That is why many people meet their optimal vitamin D intake through sun exposure.

Our vitamin D-K Factor supplement provides a healthy dose of vitamin D for those who are deficient or who live a lifestyle that does not allow for adequate sun exposure. It is estimated that more than 80% of people living in the United States do not have adequate vitamin D in their bodies.

Vitamin D's benefits are greatly enhanced when mixed with vitamin K. These two vitamins act synergistically to promote healthy bones and cardiovascular health.

Vitamin K – This fat-soluble vitamin, mainly found in leafy, green vegetables, is essential to building healthy bones, preventing heart disease, and aides in the blood-clotting process. Without proper levels of vitamin K, one may suffer from a variety of conditions such as tooth decay, osteoporosis, pneumonia, certain types of cancer, and brain problems such as dementia.

Vitamin K represents a group of compounds, the most important of these being Vitamin K1 and K2. Vitamin MK-7, a newer agent with a much longer half-life, is extracted from a fermented soy called "natto" and helps fight inflammation and strengthens the immune system.

How do these two vitamins work together? While vitamin D aids in healthy, strong bones, vitamin K acts as a "gatekeeper" of sorts, controlling where the vitamin D is distributed in the body, ensuring your bones receive healthy levels of the vitamin. Taking the two together in one supplement allows for even better absorption from your body for better overall results. 

Bottle Size: 60 capsules


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with your physician before taking any dietary supplement.

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